Nickname: Assassins, Children of Haqim
Faction: Independent/Camarilla
Clan Description:
More commonly known as the Banu Haqim in these modern nights, the Assamite are a clan that is divided into three smaller parts, each having their own unique abilities and curse. The first is the warriors, these are your textbook Assamites. They are the assassins that are so often tied to this clan. They are also the ones who are cursed so that they always crave Kindred Vitae. Even if they have never had a drop of Kindred blood, their aura will always show their hunger. They have the abilities Celerity, Obfuscate, and the Assamite Discipline Quietus. The next class is comprised of sorcerers. These Assamites are much fewer in numbers and exist primarily to stand against more sinister magic. Their lust for magic shows up in their aura, forever marking them as blood sorcerers, even if they never used it yet. Their disciplines are Assamite Sorcery, Auspex, and Celerity.
Finally, the last group is the Vizier, who are the scholars of the clan. Much like the Toreador, the Vizier often fixate on knowledge and art and are known to enter trances similar to the Clan of the Rose. Their flaw stems from this, they all have a derangement that ties to their prefer style of art or their area of study. Their disciplines are Auspex, Presence, and Quietus. All parts of the clans have the additional flaw that overtime, their skin will grow darker and darker with age.
In recent nights, however, the three parts of the Assamite have condensed down into a single house that uses Blood Sorcery, Celerity, and Obfuscate. They also all seem to have picked up the diablerie clan flaw and lost the dark skin flaw. In recent nights, the Banu Haqim have begun to see themselves as judges of Kindred society, feeding from those they think have committed grave sins. It is advised to keep an eye on the Banu Haqim to see how much they have changed in recent years.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Word on the street is they hitched their wagon to the Ivory Tower and going by a different name these days. Their skills are impressive, but their methods may be questionable.” - Erik
• “Who would guess that the dancer's swords really could rip my client's head off and that hip swing would turn into a flying-head swing, right? From a respectable Clan leader to a scratched name on a little paper.” - Isabela
Nickname: Rabble, Agitators
Faction: Camarilla/Anarch
Clan Description:
When folks speak of the Brujah, they often speak of the Rabble that line the streets, raging against whatever injustice they decide to fight against that night, but this is only a portion of what Clan Brujah is. While it is true there are many passionate members who will take any excuse to fight, there are others who are more interested in the philosophy and reason behind Kindred. The Iconoclasts and Idealists are both critical parts of Clan Brujah. It is also important that a Brujah can be an Iconoclast one night and an Idealist the next, the Brujah are a very fluid bunch. The Brujah are gifted with abilities in Potence and Celerity, making them natural warriors, but their ability in Presence allows them to be a charismatic troupe. Their flaw comes from their passion. Sometimes it can all become too much for a Brujah, allowing them to frenzy easier than any other clan.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Say what you want about the Brujah, especially the Anarch Brujah, I wouldn’t have anyone else protecting my back.” - Echo
• “Clear objectives make any negotiation easier. But it is advisable or rather... healthier, that they don't realize that it's an actual negotiation.” - Isabela
Nickname: Serpents
Faction: Independent
Clan Description:
More commonly known as the Ministry in these modern nights, the Followers of Set are a clan of Kindred who reject the story of Cain and instead follow the story of the Egyptian God Set. They do not have a unified means of running their clan as they believe that there is no right way to achieve enlightenment. As a result, different areas preach different stories and methods. All Followers of Set, however, suffer from the same flaw - they are very susceptible to bright lights. Direct sunlight hurts them even more than normal Kindred and they struggle even under intense light. All Followers of Set used to have the disciplines Obfuscate, Presence, and the unique ability Serpentis, but in recent nights, this seems to have been replaced with Protean.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Religion can be a dangerous thing, especially when snakes are involved.” - Erik
• “You always blame the alcohol for your hangover. You'll never blame what got you to the bar in the first place.” - Isabela
Nickname: Animals, Outlaws
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
Typically the clan is comprised of loners and survivors. Most Gangrel are chosen after being put in a dangerous situation. If they survive, they're deemed worthy and are embraced and then left to their own devices again. Gangrel are gifted with the abilities of Fortitude and Animalism as well as their unique discipline Protean. Since Gangrel are the closest to their beast, their flaw is that when they frenzy, they'll display beast-like traits, such as cat eyes, bat ears, patches of fur, and so on.
Brood members thoughts:
• "Be warned that they don't ask permission for an Embrace, it just ain't tradition. Assholes." - Echo
• “Every year they move closer to the beast like mosquitos to a bug zapper.” - Erik
• “A remarkable ability to be annoying and arrogant. They meddle in matters they want and still think they have any right to do so. Bugging flies that think themselves as wolves.” - Isabela
Nickname: Necromancers, Mafioso
Faction: Independent
Clan Description:
The Giovanni are an independent clan that stem from a single family. Those within the clan, alive or dead, seem to be focused on simply building up the clan further through whatever means, no matter how depraved or sinister. Those who show that they can bring the clan more power and/or more wealth are often chosen to be Embraced. They come from an older clan that centered itself on death, as a result, the Giovanni are gifted Necromancers. They also have the abilities Potence and Dominate. Their flaw is a curse that causes the Kiss to be incredibly painful instead of pleasurable. This makes it tough for Giovanni to feed without hurting their victims. In recent years, they seem to have made an odd alliance with other Kindred and now call themselves the Hecata, not much is known about this new alliance yet.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Most only dream of speaking to their lost loved ones. I have a lot of respect for this family for finding out how to actually make that happen.” - Erik
• “Precious allies and maybe a good company if they are not carrying that damn awful christian crosses with them. If it's possible, look away from them by choosing your enemies, because even their dead enemies have no rest. An old friend already offered me a cigar so that I would smoke, literally, the soul of his enemy.” - Isabela
Nickname: Magisters, Keepers
Faction: Sabbat
Clan Description:
The Lasombra are one of the cornerstone clans of the Sabbat. They are best known for two things - their unique discipline, Obtenebration that granted them control over shadows, and their harsh clan culture. They practice the belief that only the strongest will survive and often have no pity for those who are not strong enough nor smart enough to keep up with the best of the clan. If you can’t make it, well you’re simply not fit to survive then. Their flaw prevents them from casting a reflection and they cannot be recorded, or if they do appear, it is heavily distorted and fuzzy. This often causes mental problems for many of its members. It is not unheard of to find a Lasombra simply sitting in a room full of mirrors, as if trying to figure out whether or not they truly exist. On top of Obtenebration, Lasombra have the disciplines Potence and Dominate. In recent years, however, Obtenebration has changed into a new ability known as “Oblivion”.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Every year the groundhog sees its own shadow, a Lasombra gets her wings.” - Erik
• “It's all about ego. Make them believe that you think they should be owners of the world and you'll get a friend. The problem is that it will be a very unpredictable and... explosive friendship.” - Isabela
Nickname: Seers, Madmen
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
It is often talked about within courts about the mixed gift that is Clan Malkavian. On the one hand, they’re powerful seers who can see what others often overlook, their insight has helped a great many Princes and can often be the difference between victory or defeat. However on the other hand, they’re all completely mad. Each and every Malkavian has their own flavor of madness and each seem to be fully capable of talking to each other through what they call the “Cobwebs”, the “Weave”, or the “Malkavian Madness Network”. They are gifted with the abilities of Auspex and Obfuscate, making them sneaky and capable of reading the emotions and thoughts of others. What makes the Malkavians tricky though is their third discipline. Some have Dominate, allowing them to exert their will over others, but some still have the ability Dementation, an unique ability that allows them to push some of their own madness onto others. Pray you never encounter the second.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Interrogating these idiots is worse than taking a statement from a crackhead. Gotta remember your sensitivity training.” - Erik
• “I'd rather be far away. You can't choose a path that leads you nowhere.” - Isabela
Nickname: Sewer Rats, Crawlers
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
Ask anyone in your typical court about the Nosferatu, and most will simply turn their nose and pretend that the sewer rats are beneath them, but everyone with enough common sense knows that it is these same sewer rats that keeps the Camarilla alive. They are a unique clan in the fact that while most are affiliated with the Camarilla, all Nosferatu work together. The clan always comes first. Makes sense when you consider the fact that all Nosferatu are hideously deformed. They cannot trust the courts to always have their backs since they are walking, talking masquerade violations. However, most Nosferatu do not seem to mind. No clan can even come close to the amount of dirt they have on damn near every Kindred. Nosferatu often deal in secrets and information. You want to know something? You better know a Nosferatu. You want to blackmail on the prince? Call a Nos. The Nosferatu have the abilities Obfuscate, Animalism, and Potence. They can move through a city without being detected, but if something goes wrong, they have the strength to come out on top.
Brood members thoughts:
• “You know the type of guy who will let you tell them a secret they already know and pretend their hearing it for the first time? Yeah that’s us.” - Erik
• "'Cause we are beautiful No matter what they say, Yes words won't bring us down. We are beautiful In every single way Yes words can't bring us down ... So don't bring me down today" - Christina (unoffical Brood member)
• “Always a pleasure to do business with you.” - Isabela
• ”I know most Toreadors don’t like them, but they’re some of the few people I can even give a semblance of trust. There’s more than one kind of beauty and the bonds in their clan have more beauty than any flower I’ve seen.” - Alasdair
Nickname: Gypsies, Deceivers
Faction: Independent
Clan Description:
Clan Ravnos is known to be a clan of drifters and vagabonds. They are often characterized as being thieves, tricksters, and all around troublemakers for all who cross them. It is of no fault of their own, after all, their clan flaw causes them all to fall for a vice of some kind. Each and every Ravnos has some sort of crime that they are drawn to and it is very tough for them to resist. All Ravnos have the disciplines Animalism, Fortitude, and their unique ability Chimestry. In recent nights, however, there have been fewer and fewer reports of Ravnos. It seems the clan could be dying out.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Nice try; I’m gonna keep my thoughts to myself on this one...” - Erik
• “Slippery… I was stolen once and even now I'm not certain whether or not the piece I recovered is real.” - Isabela
Nickname: Aesthetes, Epicureans
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
Toreador prides itself on being a clan of artists, a clan of beauty, a clan being so close to life. They often choose their new members from the most beautiful, the most talented, the most eccentric, but there is a problem that eventually catches up to all Toreadors. A key part of being an artist is change, and unfortunately for all Kindred, we never change. We are always stuck being who we are when we were embraced. This often causes many Toreadors to force themselves to twist into something new, trying to find a new spark that makes them feel alive again, or lose all interest in immortality together. Their life is the one of a tortured artist.
Those within the Clan of the Rose are gifted with abilities in Presence, Auspex, and Celerity. The combination of Auspex and Presence grants them the ability to read and room and charm damn near everyone in it. Their flaw however is that those of Clan Toreador are always seeking beauty and when they find it, sometimes that is all they can focus on. They become fixated and cannot move themselves away from whatever has caught their eye, not even the rising sun.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Those morons are so obsessed with beauty and perfection it's sickening … And completely fucked up ! I mean, I've seen one of them staring at a vase, for a whole hour …” - Lenny
• “To be honest, even I’m not terribly fond of other Toreadors. I had been talking to another writer on the internet for three years, then he embraced me and dumped me in an unfamiliar city. He was a real dick.” - Alasdair
• “You might be pleased to know that these fancy-pants goodie two shoes can’t stand to look at their own reflection when they think no one is around.” - Erik
• “The most profitable allies. Either for their obsessions, contacts, drugs, sex, or to make someone's life into a hell. A Toreador always come with a lot of fun.” - Isabela
Nickname: Warlocks, Tremores
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
The Tremere deal in secrets and the occult. Their origins already make them unique due to the fact that they started out as a clan of mages before joining the ranks of Kindred, but their personal discipline, Thaumaturgy (Otherwise known as Blood Magic), is often what makes them an oddity. It grants them odd abilities such as being able to start fires, boil someone’s blood, or even push something with their mind, the list is almost endless. The Tremere keep this ability under lock and key, only those within the Pyramid are allowed to learn its secrets. Those who exist outside of the Pyramid are punished harshly, and do not even think about sharing clan secrets with outsiders.
Beyond Thaumaturgy, the Tremere also have Auspex and Dominate, making them very capable threats against those who dare speak out against them. Their flaw, however, is due to the aforementioned Pyramid. To be allowed in, one must become blood bonded to their higher ups. This makes them more susceptible to Dominate from their superiors.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Power hungry assholes, all of them. I should know, I am one.” - Natalia
• “I don’t know what you all are getting at with the Tremere, they seem really cool to me. I mean, Kathrine in my city is wonderful and she’s the Reagent.” - Alasdair
• “I saw a magician at Coney Island who cut a pretty girl in half when I was a kid. I wonder if these clowns have ever tried that one out.” - Erik
• “I really can not think of a minute of my unlife that I have not had one stuck at my trail, asking around about my clan, just to follow the scent of a spell they don't know.” - Isabela
Nickname: Fiends
Faction: Sabbat
Clan Description:
This clan servers as one of the major cornerstones of the Sabbat. They pride themselves on being scholars, but this is not something that is considered when a Cainite is Embraced. No, instead Tzimisce sires often just pick someone who fascinates them, someone who they think might have even the slightest potential to survive within the clan. Sadism runs rampant within Clan Tzimisce, and their discipline Vicissitude allows this sadism to run rampant. They are flesh-crafters who can shape bone and flesh to whatever form catches their fancy. On top of this disturbing discipline, they have Animalism and Auspex under their belt. Their flaw causes them to have to sleep on at least two handfuls of dirt from a place they consider to be important in their lives or else the Tzimisce will find themselves slowly drained of power.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Don't be the one who picked a fight with these guys, but if they pick a fight with you… finish it quickly. It only gets messier.” - Natalia
• “These psychopaths need to be controlled. You can’t go around mutilating everyone and expect to get away with it.” - Erik
Nickname: Blues Bloods, Warlords
Faction: Camarilla
Clan Description:
Once called the “Clan of Kings”, the Ventrue keep up such a title by embracing those who typically have power of some kind, whether this be in the boardroom, in the black market, or maybe even in some sort of military or police force. The Ventrue typically deal more with the social aspect of the Masquerade, and as a result they have the abilities Dominate and Presence, but they also have fortitude to get out of sticky situations. Their flaw, however, causes Ventrue to have very picky palettes. They can only feed from a select group out of a population. This could be anything from red heads to drug addicts to people born from a particular area. It varies from one Ventrue to another.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Some are made for glad-handed politicking, that ain’t me.” - Erik
• “I've been responsible for feeding some. Without anyone knowing that they even approached me, of course. They drink the dirtiest blood and still find themselves the cleanest.” - Isabela
Nickname: Trash, Unbound
Faction: Camarilla/Anarch
Clan Description:
They belong to no clan at all, whether it be due to a careless sire or the fact that the typical clan traits just never manifested for these Kindred. As a result, Caitiff typical are not welcomed in most of Kindred society. They find themselves never really knowing who they are. Do not worry for them, however, Caitiff are gifted with the ability to learn damn near any discipline they want. They learn new skills faster than most Kindred. Since they don’t belong to any clan, they do not suffer clan flaws.
Brood members thoughts:
• “The Nosferatu still consider our orphaned childer part of the family. You know, like those weird cousins that show up unannounced to your haven on holidays and drink up all the nog. Just sayin’ “ - Erik
• “I would easily be their shepherd if you ask me.” - Isabela
Nickname: Duskborn, Weaklings
Faction: Anarch
Clan Description:
In our modern nights, more and more Thin-Bloods have shown up. These are Kindred who are 14th generation and lower. The Blood of Caine is far less potent in them and as a result, Thin-Bloods often do not exhibit any traits like those who Embrace them. They also tend to have their own powers and abilities. Since the blood is so weak in them as well, some can even eat and have actual children. Many Kindred, like the ones found in the Sabbat, think they are the early signs of Gehennah. As a result, Thin-Bloods often find themselves hunted out and killed before they even figure out who they are. Like Caitiffs, they do not normally suffer from any clan flaws. This is due to the fact that their blood is simply too weak for it to take root.
Brood members thoughts:
• “I wouldn’t take the young ones for granted just yet. Remember when they all laughed at the Tremere?” - Erik
“They seem like a good bunch. If they ever need to vent or have questions, they should know my inbox is always open.” - Alasdair
Nickname: Ivory Tower
Faction Description:
Often referred to as “The Ivory Tower” the Camarilla is a society that believes that if Kindred are to survive, they must blend into human society perfectly. They have rules known as “The Masquerade” that were put into place when Hunters started to become aware of Kindred. All Kindred in a Camarilla city are expected to listen to and obey the Masquerade or else face harsh punishment. They do not believe in tales of Caine or Antediluvians. While they consider themselves to be the more “human” sect when compared to the likes of the Sabbat, make no mistake, all members of the Camarilla are still Kindred. The Prince and their Courts can be just as corrupt and dangerous as any other city, but many see this as a lesser evil when compared to the likes of the Hunters.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Being nice is Camarilla propaganda.” - Natalia
• “I'm used to not having attachment to my vanity at their bullying and shameful meetings. But it's really fun how much they need me after all.” - Isabela
Nickname: Sword of Cain
Clan Description:
To paint the Sabbat as comic book type villains ranting and raving about Gehennah would be an insult to the Sabbat. While it is true this Sect revels in being a monsterous, they still have their own order and laws. The “shovelhead method” is not a common means of joining the Sabbat, and even if you are a Shovelhead, you are not True Sabbat. No, rather all Sabbat members must complete Creation Rites and those embraced must prove their worth to join the ranks of the Sabbat. The Sabbat was born out of disgust to the Elders and their Blood Bonds. They believe that Cainites should be on more equal footing. Even a Priest can be overturned by another True Sabbat if others believe in them more.
The core part of the Sabbat though is their belief in the Antediluvians. They believe that in order to stop Gehennah, they must find each and every Antediluvian before they rise and eat their children and diablerize them instead.
Brood members thoughts:
• "Honestly, it’s a fucking cult. They’ll preach and talk about how all Kindred - Sorry, Cainite is equal, but god help you if you’re Brujah or Gangrel or any other ‘lower’ clan. You’ll just be more gristle for their war machine.” - Echo
• “They are like mad abusive partners who think that what ties you to them is love.” - Isabela
Nickname: Warriors
Faction Description:
A faction that was an offshoot of the Camarilla. The Anarchs believe that the current system does not work, though rarely do they agree upon what should be changed. Often the Baronies do not communicate with one another, so the rules and the ideas of Anarchs vary from place to place. Primarily the Anarchs are comprised of younger Kindred who do not like being told what to do. One this is for sure though, while they are not an organized group, they are not lacking in passion.
Brood members thoughts:
• You're fooling yourself if you think the Camarilla or the Sabbat have your back. If you want to survive these Modern Nights, you'd be wise to try and change the system with us. - Echo
• “Give ‘em a century or two and they may be more controlling than the Camarilla. I’m hearing an awful lot of these ‘anarchists’ support for iron fisted Princes...I mean ‘Barons’. How’s that Free State working out for you?” - Erik
• “Are they now able to build something, you say? Hmm. I think I may have new clients, then.” - Isabela
Nickname: Warriors
Faction Description:
Independents are simply Kindred who reject all sects. This means that there really isn’t one way of defining those who are Independent. The Giovanni, an independent clan, is vastly different when compared to a independent Gangrel. Personalities and mannerisms aren’t consistent either. Some are independent due to disgust with all other sects, others are independent simply because they never were introduced to any courts.
Brood members thoughts:
• “Though all I have known in my unlife if Camarilla, I do value my free will so much that I tend to consider myself more of the Independent type, rather than a mere cammy pup.” - Lenny
• “You don't need to worry, sugar. We have too much of our own business and we can take care of. Don't let cammy perspective fool you.” - Isabela