Originally, the Aranta-Shadur is a Nosferatu game in which elders ask neonates to go on a scavenger hunt. The goal was to steal one object belonging to a Kindred in town, bring it back to the warrens, and then return it to its owner. Unnoticed!
Though our schrecknet version of the Aranta-shadur is a bit different, its purpose remains the same: proving your worth to the rest of the brood.
Since the fall of the original schrecknet, and major sects and elders forbiding access to it fearing young kindred would put everyone at risk, the global brood decided to use this old nosferatu tradition, so users (nosferatu or not) could prove they were skilled enough to browse the new version of the hub safely.
In order to win an aranta-shadur, challengers must complete a mission for the brood, within the allocated time.
The missions often have players (you) looking for an individual, item, or location, and are composed of series of arg like puzzles, with encrypted codes to decypher.
Using your talents, and tools available on the schrecknet hub, challengers can then start your investigation, and if you are skilled enough and resolve the challenge, you will be granted the right to join the brood.
As this hub is still in development, some portions of it are not yet designed for mobile devices. Therefore, for a better experience playing the Aranta-Shadur, we recommand using a computer, with a decent internet browser installed (if you're using Edge/IE, go download Chrome, NOW).
You might be either not a skilled Nossy, or just new to what's called ARGs (Alternate Reality Game). Or maybe you didn't solve the Aranta-Shadur before time ran out. In this case, head over to our new Aranta-Academy page. There will be stored every finished Aranta, and you will be able to play them all over again. Note that finishing them will not grant you the usual final reward, but hopefully will help you sharpen your skills.