...Extracting from disk C/archives/schreckchat/m4sk8r34ch/l34k8106p057
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[Online users: Hattierex, DrModest]
>H : Dude, I'm onto something.
>D : Solving another ARG, aren't you?
>H : Nah, I mean like something big, and real!
>D : I'm all ears.
>H : You've read the bible right?
>D : Gosh, please don't tell me you fell for this kind of bullshit again...
>H : No no, bare with me my dude. In the bible, they talk about Adam and Eve being the first humans. They got kids and all.
>D : ...
>H : One of their kids, or grandkid or whatever, Caine, sacrificed his own brother, as an offering to God.
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>H : But God got pissed, and marked Caine, cursing him, y'know?
>D : Suuuuure..?
>H : Well, this curse, what they call the Mark of Caine, doomed him to walk in the night, and feed from mortal's blood!
** Sniffer Alert **
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>D : Hang on, you're not saying...
>H : You got it right dude, Caine was the first Vampire! They're real man!
** Sniffer Alert **
** l0c4t3 script ready **
>D : There you go. I knew it'd be another conspiracy crap.
>H : Noooo, c'mon, I swear it's the truth!
>D : You spend way too much time reading TrustNoMore articles.
>H : But this time it's true!
>D : You said that about the flesh eating carpet.
>H : Ok, fair point. BUT, this time I have a proof.
>D : ... Oh?
>H : Yeah, got my hands on some old ass text, talking about it.
>H : Did some research and sure this text is not an original, but a transcript ...
>H : from the 19th century!
>D : So it's a penny dreadful. Yay.
>H : Uuuugh, c'mon dude, for once, trust me!
>H : Here, I'll show you.
[Hattierex has sent a new file]
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**1 attached file uploaded in archives**
>D : Man ... You're messing with me.
>H : No I'm not!
>D : It's a picture of that One Night at Potatoes fucked up game.
>H : Yo, think I'm stupid? I said I'll show you, I didn't say here.
>D : Oh shit, here we go again. Another ARG...
[End of logs]
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