Using TOrlok relays, browse SchreckNet's hubs, and uncover intersting findings. Be warned though, what you might find is not alwways what you were looking for.
About Findings Beta:
This feature is not fully developed yet, and is available here only as a beta test feature. As it is subject to evolutions, please feel free to give any feedback, either regarding its content, or its general display, so it can be improved in the future.
Browsing SchreckNet tips: Either you are playing or STing a game of Vampire The Masquerade, sneaky Nosferatu players might want to make some investigation on SchreckNet at some point.
If you are the player, you can use this generator to make some suggestion do your ST about what you are looking for.
If you are the ST, you can have your player make a roll, and then generate a finding to give them, according to their roll's result.
Given the player had a successful roll, you can reward them with one of the finding giving some ingame bonuses.
But if the roll is failed, well, you can have fun having the player frown at the weird things hidden on SchreckNet they just found.