Since you ended up here, no doubt you've heard of relays and sepcial browsers installed to access the darkweb, such as TOR Onion.
Recently, we set up our own "TORlok" relays and "TORlok garlik" browser,
mainly to browse SchreckNet in a more secure way, but also to prevent unwanted mortals to find our hubs, and risk another major shitstorm of trouble.
Our relays scan for online users IPs, and make sure they are correctly redirected to the website they're trying to access.

But we just received an incident report from one of our Brood-mate from Eastern Europe, as several TORlok relays unexpectedly shut down, in a questionable way.
We need you to review the incident report, and run some scan in the city as, without the relays enabled, several users have been badly redirected to dark corners of the web.
Make sure none of them has had access to our hub, scanning IP adresses, users IDs, the requested urls or where they ended up, etc...
If you happen to notice a user browsed SchreckNet, report to us ASAP!
We already took some online containment measures just in case, so you will have to work the old school way ...

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